Should You Still Create Your Brand’s Facebook Presence?

Whether you are a small startup or a blogger looking to help grow your reader base and increase your traffic, creating a Facebook page is your first step. Or should I say WAS? I don’t think so.

Facebook is still the most relevant platform and is still the most affordable option. If you don’t have the budget to hire a social media professional at this stage of the game then that means the responsibilities will fall to you, or someone on your team. So let’s check it out, should you still create your brand’s Facebook presence?

Your Facebook page is still very important. it should reflect your brand’s or your personal style, your personality, and professionalism as is often shown very well by moms on the “Cows In The Barn” website.

This post is intended to only cover the very basic steps of starting your Facebook page, there is much more information than I can cover in the space of one blog post that you’ll need to know. I’m not going to cover things like choosing an avatar, or a cover image.  Those are self-explanatory in my opinion.

  • Step 1-Create the Facebook Page: Chances are you’ve already taken this step, but in case you haven’t you can visit this page on Facebook to create your page.
  • Step 2-Invite friends to like the page. You’ll need at least a few fans to get started.  Encourage your friends to like the page, and then share it to their own timelines so you can grow beyond your immediate reach.
  • Step 3-Choose the URL to your page. This is the step that most amateur social media managers miss.  Once your page reaches a threshold of fans, you are given the option of changing the URL to your page so that it is customized. For example, is the URL I chose for my page, the automatically generated URL Facebook assigns you is full of numbers and isn’t easily navigated to or searched for.  To access this option, click on the ‘edit page’ button in the upper right-hand corner of the page, and then on Page Info.
  • Step 4-Choose Administrators-As the creator of the page Facebook automatically recognizes you as the owner of the page, but you can also designate others who can also post and manage the page for you.  If you’re working with a team this is a great tool to allow everyone to participate on the page. From the same page, you were on when you changed the name of your page click on the tab marked Admin Roles.

There are a few different types of roles you can assign to people.

Manager – Can send messages, manage admin roles, view insights, create ads, and create posts as the Page.
Content Creator – Can edit your Page, create posts and send messages as the Page, create ads, and view insights.
Moderator – Can delete and respond to on your Page, send a message as the Page, view insights, and create ads.
Advertiser – Can view insights and create ads.
Insights Analyst – Can view insights. For most of your Manager and Content Creator tasks, this will be what you’ll be most likely to use.

I think that the most important thing to keep in mind as you begin to generate new posts for your Facebook page is to keep the writing style in sync with the voice of your brand. Use the same language style, casual or formal.

Remember that people reading your posts like they’re looking at a new house. They have no knowledge of your business, very unlike the car sales business, so you are literally the spokesperson every time you post to your Facebook page.

Of course, when you’ve done your Facebook things, check out your website. If you want to find the best keywords for your content, you’ll really have to spend quite some time on the all-important keyword research. This law is always applicable if you want to improve your search engine results.

Top-notch content wins and bad content will bring your website down. Always! And you must find out what are the keywords that people are using. Check with how many sites you need to compete on a keyword and keep in mind that even the slightest difference in any keyword phrase can make or break your success.

These are the basics to keep in mind when you’re trying to improve the success of the titles of your website’s content. When you’re including HTML in your site’s bio, make sure you’ll be linking back to your website and use those keyword phrases that your website is targeting.

Note: This post was inspired by a dear friend who is starting her own business with her husband and asked me for guidance.  Rather than just give one-off advice to her I decided to create this post for her and anyone else in a similar position. I hope it will get you ahead.